Monday, November 25, 2019

12 Character Archetypes Every Writer Should Already Know

12 Character Archetypes Every Writer Should Already Know 12 Character Archetypes Every Writer Should Already Know ‘Character archetypes’ are something you imagine bohemian writers talking about at length - perhaps while smoking a cigarette and stroking their pointy beards. And when they move onto the topic of Jungian theory, you can see yourself tuning out of the conversation altogether. But despite their seemingly high-minded background in psychoanalysis, understanding character archetypes can help writers of all stripes gain a better understanding of storytelling.In this post, we’ll explain to you what character archetypes are, reveal some of the most popular ones - and show you how to prevent your archetype characters from becoming clichà ©s.What is a character archetype?In storytelling, an archetype is a character who represents a specific set of universal, recognizable behaviors. Carl Jung, one of the forefathers of psychoanalysis, suggested that they are part of the human collective unconscious. He believed that these recurring figures are part of the mythmaking fabr ic that is common to all humans.If we are to believe Jung and Joseph Campbell’s theory of the Hero’s Journey, stories and myths are an intrinsic part of human development and evolution. They are a teaching tool, a way to warn each other of dangers and the simplest method of examining human behavior and better understanding one another.We’re not saying that these archetypes are embedded into human DNA: they are simply the character forms that have resonated most over the generations. What are character archetypes? And how can they help you? If myths and fireside stories were originally ways that people had to impart knowledge to society at large, then each of Jung’s archetypes might represent a different lesson: care for your children like a mother, be brave like a hero, be wary of tricksters posing as friends, and listen to your elders. The plot of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight is nearly identical to Romeo and Juliet. Edward and Bella belong to the same archetype as those star-crossed lovers of Verona. The difference lies in the specifics: the way the characters speak, the Pacific Northwest setting, the fantastical conflict between vampires and werewolves. The book follows a similar narrative arc as Romeo and Juliet, but its fans certainly wouldn’t call it a ‘predictable retread of Shakespeare’s play.For authors, character archetypes are a useful concept to understand - if only to save you from tying yourself in knots, trying to create stories and characters completely unlike anything that’s come before. Every story has already been told, so focus on what matters most to readers: creating rich, specific worlds populated by people living specific lives, whose struggles are so grounded in realistic human behavior that their stories become universal -   no matter where the reader is fr om.What other character archetypes have we missed from this list? Drop them in the comments below along with your favorite example!

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